E-R: 10:00 – 20:00 ; L,P: 11:00 – 20:00
T1 – Peterburi tee 2

Kihlasõrmused, MATIGOLD - Mati Kullaäri


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DIORE on luksuslik kihlasõrmuste kollektsioon, mis ei jäta Teie väljavalitut iialgi ükskõikseks.

DIORE sõrmustekollektsioon on loodud kõige peenema täpsusega, kasutades ainult parimaid materjale ja teemante ning mida valmistavad Teile kõige osavamad meistrid, et luua ajatuid kuldehteid, mis peegeldavad ilu ja luksuse olemust. Parimale kvaliteedile ja innovatsioonile pühendunult toob DIORE iga ehtega unikaalse elegantsi ja suursugususe, muutes need ideaalseks valikuks neile, kes hindavad stiili ja sisu.

DIORE kollektsioonist leiab teemanti(de)ga sõrmuseid iga sündmuse ja maitse jaoks. Kogege DIORE kollektsiooni maagiat ja avastage luksusmaailm, mis kindlasti võlub ja inspireerib Teid.

By ordering

Kujunda enda sõrmus

Tellimisel on võimalik kihlasõrmuseid ümberkujundada. Põhiline valik kihlasõrmuseid tellimisel on Saksamaa brändil “acredo“. Kui tahate tellida kihlasõrmuse rätseptööna, on Teil võimalik valida kollase, punase, roosa, roheka kulla vahel ning samuti on võimalik lasta teha sõrmus plaatinast ja/või pallaadiumist.

Engagement rings

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Kuidas valida

The first thing you should do is to think about the price range the engagement ring for your beloved should belong to. You have certainly heard suggestions that an engagement ring with diamonds should cost at least 2 or 3 months’ salary.

After all it is not the amount of money you invest in a ring that is important, however, but the idea behind it.

  • Ask a friend

    Maybe you can find out the size of your beloved from one of her friends.

  • Take her ring with you

    Take one of the rings of your love with you and we can measure the size.

  • If the wrong size was chosen

    No problem. In case we have an identical ring of the size you need, we can exchange it. However, if there is no different size, then depending on the model we can change the size of the ring. But if the ring is of a model that can not be made bigger or smaller, then we need to look for a different ring design of your desired size.

You want to find a ring for your beloved which accompanies her unique style and wishes.

  • What jewellery does she wear?
    Does she wear more yellow gold jewellery? Maybe she is wearing more silver or platinum. Perhaps she has a certain favourite stone, the colour that she wears? Does she like the bigger jewellery or more modest? Does she wear a lot of jewellery, or is she more conservative?
  • One diamond or a row of diamonds?
    Would you prefer more classic design with a straight profile and one diamond or a modern design with a wavy profile with several diamonds?
  • White or yellow gold?
    What color jewelry does she mostly wear?